MMMH? How to get free unlimited Internet access? Is it possible to obtain free unlimited Internet access using a SNI host list? If your questions are related to any of the questions, your welcome, Now relax because am gonna show you how to find working SNI bug hosts official howdy SNI hosts that can be easily to use free Internet with unlimited data on your SIM card or any Internet service provider network in the world.
We've previously discussed several methods for getting free unlimited Internet, the majority of which are still active today. Bug hosts, open ports, proxy servers, and other methods are among them. However, the most popular method is still the bug host method, which works extremely well even today. And it is here that our beloved SNI host falls.
Your freedome config
Cloudflare say the Bug SNI host , or Server Name Indication, is a TLS protocol extension that allows a hostname to be indicated in the TLS handshake. Find out more about the TLS SNI extension.
SNI prevents a "common name mismatch error," which occurs when a client (user) device reaches the correct IP address for a website but the name on the SSL certificate does not match the name of the website. This type of error frequently results in the user's browser displaying a "Your connection is not private" error message.
SNI was added to TLS/SSL as an extension in 2003; it was not originally part of the protocol. With the exception of some of the very oldest browsers and operating systems still in use, almost all browsers, operating systems, and web servers support it.
What is BUG HOST?
Bug host can say is the name space or domain or IP address that allow you to access it without data or bundle via your sim card on android device, cell phone, tablet, iphone, ipad, or pc
Bug SNI Host List & Zero-Rated Websites for All Countries
In other words, SNI allows an Internet user to connect to a specific domain even if that domain is hosted on the same IP address as others, preventing the common name mismatch error. The term "SNI bug host" refers to a site that can be used to provide an unlimited Internet connection.
How to Get a Free Bug SNI Host List:
- To get started, go to
- There are several hosts who have not been fully revealed. Open a new page by right-clicking on each of the hosts.
- Tick on when they do "I'm not a robot," and then perform a robot check before clicking "Find SNI."
- "4. The host should now be visible to you, as shown below.
The Hostname section contains the domain of the host (, while the IP Address section contains the IP address of the host. The Response Code contains the port on which the trick runs (80, 443) as well as the status.
Because Howdy offers VPN services, it is simple for them to identify these hosts that people use as SNI (Server Name Indication) to surf the internet for free.
The majority of the hosts provided here are SNI, which means you'll need apps like HTTP Injector, OpenTun, TLS Tunnel, eProxy, and others that support SSL/TLS/STUNNEL for the free net trick.
How to find free working SNI bug hosts
to find bug SNI bug host sometime its hard but use my method to find it
the following is method on how to find bug host
3. Pybelt Scanner Bug host All Operator
Actually, this tutorial is nearly identical to the one I created on the previous blog, but there is a slight difference here from the previous tutorial.
If we used nmap and curl in the previous tutorial to find free internet bugs, there are a few additional tools that I will use this time.
The most noticeable difference between this method and the previous method is the active port for the bug, because there was no Pybelt method in the previous tutorial.
Pybelt is an open source hacking tool that comes with
- A port scanner
- SQL injection scanner
- Dork checker
- Hash cracker
- Hash type verification tool
- Proxy finding tool
- XSS scanner
This tool is capable of cracking hashes without prior knowledge of the algorithm, scanning ports on given hosts, looking for SQLi vulnerabilities in given URLs, verifying that your Google dorks are working as they should, verifying algorithms of given hashes, scanning URLs for XSS vulnerabilities, and searching usable HTTP proxy.
1. How to Install, Update & Upgrade
- pkg update && pkg upgrade
- pkg install curl && pkg install python2
- pkg install git
2. How to download the package on GitHub
- git clone
- ls
- cd Pybelt
- ls
- pip2 install -r requirements. txt
- chmod +x
- python2 –hh (Help)
3. Make a search for bugs that are 200 OK
4.Pyblet Execution Tools
- python2 –p (bug)
5. Make a search for bugs that are 200 OK
4. By Social Bundle/data
If your ISP provides unlimited access to a social media platform with a social bundle subscription, you can use it as an SNI bug host to get free internet.
We showed our readers in this guide on how to find a bug host for free internet how to easily exploit a social bundle and power their device with unlimited free internet access.
Some ISPs have even become astute and added filters to these unlimited social bundles, but we have discovered a way around this and have shared it in our social media exploitation guide. Check it out if you want to know how to use social bundle.
5. BY the Internet Service Provider for SNI bug hosts:
This is the best way to get your own unique bug host. However, you must be a skilled configuration developer with knowledge of ethical hacking and cyber security before you can handle this. However, on AiM Tutorials, we have simplified all of these complicated steps for everyone's understanding.
We showed a number of case-specific commands to run in a terminal to obtain a bug host in our ultimate guide to finding SNI bug hosts for free internet. We demonstrated how to scan a gotten bug host to determine whether it can be injected and how to easily generate a payload using the bug host. You should look into it.